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Boba Fett Pursuit
Publisher: Scholastic
Series: Boba Fett
ISBN: ISBN 0-439-33933-2
Preceded by: Boba Fett: A New Threat
Followed by: Labyrinth of Evil

Boba Fett: Pursuit is a 2004 children's book by Elizabeth Hand set in the Star Wars Expanded Universe a few months before the events of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It was published by Scholastic Press on October 1, 2004.

In August 2008, the first three books in this series were repackaged as a Borders exclusive hardcover edition. The book is listed as "Part I" and it is expected that the second three books will received similar treatment.


After barely escaping General Grievous with his life, Boba Fett runs across another foe – Anakin Skywalker. Anakin helps Boba repair Slave I, but he's determined to take him in for questioning. It's then that Boba decides to play his information card. He offers the Republic information about Count Dooku in exchange for his freedom.

Anakin escorts Boba Fett to the Jedi Temple for a meeting with Palpatine. However, it's there that Boba Fett sees his chance to exact revenge on Mace Windu for the murder of his father, Jango. Boba attempts to kill Mace with several weapons but fails. As Mace is about to kill Boba, Palpatine intervenes and orders them to stop. Boba is spared from the Chancellor's wrath and eventually escorted off the planet.


On the cover of the book, it shows that Anakin has his left hand amputated when it was his right hand. This is because it is a mirrored image of Anakin.


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