Lucasfilm Wiki
Wilhuff Tarkin
Background information
Feature films Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
Rogue One
Television programs Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars Rebels
Video games
Park attractions
Portrayed by Peter Cushing (A New Hope)
Wayne Pygram (Revenge of the Sith)
Guy Henry (Rogue One)
Voice Stephen Stanton
Performance model
Honors and awards
Character information
Full name
Other names Captain Tarkin
Admiral Tarkin
Grand Moff Tarkin
Governor Tarkin
Personality Ruthless, arrogant, pragmatic, ambitious, intelligent, destructive, cunning, manipulative, persuasive, prideful, inhumane, pure-evil, serious, ungrateful, failure-intolerant, overconfident, determined, immoral, greedy, cold, heartless, cruel, sadistic, selfish, misanthropic, hateful
Occupation Captain of the Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
Admiral of the Grand Army of the Republic (formerly)
Governor of the Outer Rim Territories
Grand Moff of the Galactic Empire
Affiliations Galactic Republic (formerly)
Galactic Empire
Goal To destroy the Rebel Alliance once and for all (failed)
Allies Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine
Enemies Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa
Likes Power, destruction, the Empire
Dislikes The Rebel Alliance, failure, risks, non-human species, Jedi, Vader choking people
Powers and abilities
Fate Dies on the Death Star when Luke Skywalker causes it to self-destruct

Wilhuff Tarkin, also known as Grand Moff Tarkin, or better known as Governor Tarkin, is a major antagonist in the Star Wars universe.

He was the commander and Imperial Governor in charge of the Empire's most devastating weapon, the Death Star, capable of destroying an entire planet. He acted as Darth Vader's superior and attempted to use the Death Star to destroy the Rebel Alliance once and for all and keep the galaxy in line through fear. He was killed when Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star, avenging Alderaan.

He was portrayed by Peter Cushing in A New Hope, by Wayne Pygram in Revenge of the Sith, Guy Henry in Rogue One, and voiced by Stephen Stanton in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.
